With just over a week away, Richard is once again excited to be presenting at the prestigious AERA annual conference!

This year's conference theme is Dismantling Racial Injustice and Constructing Educational Possibilities: A Call to Action and will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from April 11 - 14, 2024. In partnership with his supervisor and mentor Dr. Eugene Kowch, Richard will be presenting Decolonizing Dialog for Leaders: Towards a Framework for Describing the Adaptive Capacity of Leadership Teams. 

The complex wicked problems leaders face everyday defy linear either/or solutions so understanding the very potential of a team to adapt gives us insight into how we can help organizations become more creative, innovative, and adaptable to meet the demands of today’s increasingly complex world. But how can we know more about the potential, or adaptive capacity, of a team? Taking an ecosystem approach to linking two traditionally different team features, i.e., adaptability and proactivity, can help us see and describe teams with great potential to emerge as high-capacity teams. We offer a new way to see and describe adaptive capacity. #adaptive capacity #team #complexity #leadership #systemsthinking

Don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to learn more.

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